Myriads 1.3: 23/12/23. Minor changes from previous version. 1) Now, the output file names do not always have the default name.
2) The menu option to rename the input file now returns to the menu if the user enters an incorrect name.
Myriads 1.2: 16/07/20. New FWER and FDR controlling procedures have been added plus the permutation based maxT.
New input format only required when maxT option is chosen. Option for selecting a subsample from the data matrix,
performing the analyses, and saving the subsample data matrix to a file.
New option (not applicable to maxT) for transforming the given p-values to p-values obtained from a standard normal scale.
See the manual for detailed explanation of the new features.
Myriads 1.1: 02/10/17. Included a simulator for Cochran-Armitage Trend tests for case-control studies.
Myriads 1.0: 16/08/17. The previous software SGoF+ is substituted by the new package Myriads.
Myriads incorporate most of the SGoF+ functionality with improved data structures and algorithms.
It also includes new adjustment methods, a test for dependency and a p-value simulator.
SGoF+ 3.8: 22/03/17. Updated the random number generator to the C++11 Random library.
SGoF+ 3.8: 01/05/13. Additional checkings added when reading the input file.
SGoF+ (16/04/11). The bootstrap method could produce a π0 estimate being 0.
An automatic adjust in the range of the lambda parameter is now performed to avoid this.
Also a warning will be produced if any π0 estimate happened to be 0.
SGoF+ (01/12/2010). π0 (proportion of true nulls) estimation method changed. The difference method has been substituted by a similar
but more sophisticated one: The standard deviation proportional bounding method (Meinshausen and Rice 2006). The Pound method has also been skipped.
SGoF+ (18/11/2010) Previous update introduced a bug. In SGoF+ method a bug occurred when the gamma happens to be minor than alpha. This is now corrected.
The possibility of distinguish between gamma and alpha has been added in the SGoF procedure. By default SGoF assumes gamma = alpha. Recall that SGoF+ looks for the gamma that maximizes the difference
between observations and expectations and performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at the alpha level. Now in SgoF the user can select any a priori gamma and perform the corresponding binomial test at the alpha level. See details in the methods section.
SGoF+ (29/09/2010) Minor update to correct a small bug. Rarely the estimated π0 value could be slightly higher than 1. This is now corrected.
SGoF+ (23/06/2010): Incorporate the new adjustment method: SGoF+ (Carvajal-Rodríguez & de Uña-Alvarez, in preparation).
In addition, the estimation of q-values is also performed.
SGoF.02 (26/01/09): In the output file: Adjusted p-values added.
SGoF.01 (08/06/08): Added a procedure for randomization of equal p-values.